Learn with Intention: The Key to Better Learning & Performance in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Cultivating positive attitudes is essential for success in any field, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). BJJ is not only a martial art and sport, but also a lifestyle that requires dedication, discipline, and growth. By developing and maintaining the right attitudes, you can not only improve your BJJ skills but also enhance your personal and professional life.

Explore five key attitudes that you can cultivate in BJJ, including curiosity, perseverance, humility, gratitude, and fun.


Curiosity is the attitude of being open and eager to learn new things. In BJJ, curiosity can help you explore different techniques, strategies, and perspectives, and deepen your understanding of the art. Curiosity can also keep your training fresh and exciting.

  • Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask your instructor or teammates about a technique or concept that you don't understand. Asking questions can help you clarify your doubts and stimulate your curiosity.

  • Experiment: Try different techniques, positions, and game plans, and see what works for you. Experimenting can help you discover your strengths and weaknesses, and adapt to different opponents and situations, especially the ones that you find most challenging.


Perseverance is the attitude of not giving up easily when facing challenges or setbacks. It is crucial for improving your BJJ game, overcoming plateaus, and achieving your goals. Perseverance can also help you develop resilience, grit, and mental toughness, which can benefit you in other areas of life.

Embracing the struggle starts with accepting that learning and mastering BJJ is a long and challenging process. You will encounter obstacles and failures along the way. Embracing all of them can help you stay motivated and focused, and appreciate the progress you make.


Humility is the attitude of acknowledging your limitations and weaknesses, and showing respect and gratitude to others. Humility is essential for building good relationships with your teammates and opponents, and for learning from different perspectives and experiences. Humility can also help you avoid injuries, egos, and conflicts, and foster a positive and supportive training environment.

Learn to listen to your instructor and teammates with an open and respectful attitude, and avoid interrupting, arguing, or dismissing their opinions. Listening can help you gain valuable insights and perspectives, and improve your communication and social skills.

Be willing to learn from anyone, regardless of their rank, age, gender, or background. Learning from different people can help you broaden your horizons, challenge your biases, and appreciate the diversity of BJJ.


Gratitude is the attitude of recognizing and appreciating the good things in your life and expressing thanks and kindness to others. Gratitude can help you enjoy your training, build positive relationships, and enhance your mental and physical health. Gratitude can also help you overcome negative emotions, such as stress, anxiety, and anger, and increase your resilience and well-being.

Thank your training partners, instructors, and supporters for their help, feedback, and encouragement. Expressing thanks can help you strengthen your connections, and create a positive and supportive atmosphere for you in the gym.


Fun is the attitude of enjoying and valuing the process and experience of BJJ, rather than just the outcome or result. It is important for maintaining your motivation, passion, and creativity, and for reducing stress, boredom, and burnout. 

Experiment with playful or unconventional techniques, games, or challenges, and enjoy the creativity and spontaneity of BJJ. Playing can help you stimulate your curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills, and make your training more enjoyable.

Don't take yourself or BJJ too seriously, and allow yourself to laugh and have fun during training and competitions. 

Cultivating positive attitudes is not only beneficial for your BJJ training and competition, but also for your personal and professional growth. By developing and maintaining attitudes of curiosity, perseverance, humility, gratitude, and fun, you can enhance your learning, performance, relationships, and well-being. 

Remember that attitudes are not fixed or innate, but can be learned and practiced over time. Start by identifying which attitudes you want to cultivate, and then take action to reinforce and apply them in your BJJ and life. With the right attitude, you can become a better and more content BJJ practitioner and you will inspire others to do the same.

Start your BJJ journey today! Clube De Lutas offers a FREE Introductory BJJ class for first-timers where you get to learn all the basics you need to know before stepping on the mats for your first class

*Available in both Clube De Lutas Seven Hills & Clube De Lutas Rouse Hill


Injury vs Training: A Productive Way to Recover in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Pre-Comp Preparations: Nutrition